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云南 普洱 景星百年古树生饼 古木香 357克饼

新一篇 普洱茶 澜沧古茶 2031年 荒野 357g生饼 古韵系列

【产品介绍】 景星茶山种茶历史悠久,百年以上或近百年以上的老树茶近40万株,上世纪初,景星茶区就远近闻名。今用景星百年老茶树茶箐制作的青饼,因茶气纯正,条索肥壮显毫,深受普洱茶收藏者喜爱。 JingXing tea tea has a long history, more than one hundred, or nearly nearly 400000 years old tree tea, in the early years of the nineteenth century, JingXing tea area is known. Today with JingXing century-old tea tea of wellknown blue cake, because tea pure gas, cords fatness milli, loved by puer tea collectors.
2013-05-26 17:23:07 |  浏览 (350) |  收藏 |